Monday 30 July 2012

Week 1 - Reading Reflection

After reading this weeks given literature, there were several segments that stood out to me, and essentially brought light to some of the issues we as designers must address throughout our career. In particular I was drawn to one line thats mentions:

"One made a commitment to an architectural program, everything was frozen - the architectural solution and the social desires that had brought it into being, which may be nothing more than a passing fad"

As a designer we need to consider the reusability, and adaptability of our architecture. Society is an evolution, it is always growing and adapting to certain events and impacts within our culture and way of living. Architecture must respond to this. Architecture can not be 'frozen' or designed to serve a 'passing fad'.

The future. We must always design for the future. Architecture must adapt for the future.

In addition, I like the idea of Archigrams ' scene machine' where the user can personally configure and  reconfigure architecture. In a technology age, society is so used to the 'I want it now' mentality. We are used to quick answers. Architecture soon too will have to quickly meet the demands of its user - an architecture that must physically reconfigure at the users desire.

Additionally it is mentioned that "life is negotiated not pregrommed' in other words, society and culture is not easy to read. It is a developing process, an inevitable change. So as designers, we must ask, how do we work around this? Archigram mentions how we should consider how communities might function as a posed to how they should function. A deeper level of study must then be taken, our ability to read contextual information is crucial to our understanding of how the future will function.