Saturday 18 August 2012

Week 4 - Charette - People and Lifestyle

In todays tutorial session, we were to think about the characters within our scenario. How they interact within the timeline of events, within different scenes, ect. We then stepped back to look out our timeline, thinking about how different types of people would respond to those events and how that could ultimately challenge the future architectural possibilities.

As a group we came up with a rough timeline of events that leads up to our scenario. When creating this timeline, we thought about the possibilities of such events occurring as well as the impacts each event could have on our characters experience of Brisbane.  This is definitely an interesting approach to thinking about architectural possibilities. It makes you realise how important social responses should have on design.


2012 ------------ rising unemployment rate. cost of living increases. outsourcing to China

2017 ------------Mining Bust - Economy crashes.
2018-------------Recession  announced. inc living and transport costs
2019 ------------Revenue Raised. Congestion charge + sell assets
2020 ------------Assets sold to big corporations: - Brisbane Airport, Port and transport.
-------------------Raise import fees to strong
-------------------arm and undercut competitors

2025 ------------Further deterioration of economy. Ask for corporate bail outs. 
-------------------Riots and Protests. - Public Negotiation and Propaganda

2030 ------------Bids Accepted and Legislation passed
2031 ------------CBD is pedestrianised. More Public transport introduced (controlled by organisations)

2034 ------------Commercial rent-prices skyrocket. Most small business are bought out by the "big 5"

2042------------- Most architectural possibilities have been achieved.


Once completing our timeline we needed to decided on our corporate sponsors. Essentially these sponsors will have a large impacts on the culture, architecture and social experiences within Brisbane. When choosing, we looked at current successful and influential businesses that could potentially and successfully provided for Brisbane. 

Multiple tender bids would be made on Brisbane, to sustainably cross-provide  for Brisbane. Essentially these sponsors will provide monetary and services to support Brisbane, and in return have a say in local planning actions. Although the Government system will still run the same, and will have run over the corporations, eventually the sponsors will have their say by placing democratically elected representatives within the upper and lower house influencing federal state and local legislation (illusion of government control).

The sponsors include:

  1. McDonalds - providing Brisbane with food, health support (the Ronald McDonald House), childcare and recreational infrastructure
  2. Samsung - providing the city with advancements in technology
  3. IKEA - providing Brisbane with home/office wares, accomodation (with new investments in hotels) and construction innovations
  4. P&G - providing Brisbane with drugs, health supplements, and cosmetics
  5. GE - providing Brisbane with energy (we must convert to alternative sources due to the mining bust), and technological advancements

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