Saturday 25 August 2012

Week 5 - Readings Reflection

In this weeks reading "Erasing architecture into the stystem" we are introduced to the ideologies of Cedric Price, he would propose schemes "to respectively create new conditions in the human living environment" while challenging and creating new "ideas that break clean away from existing notions" Cedric Price introduces  "non-acrhitectural ideas into architectural ideas into architecture today".

In my opinion, Price is somewhat of a theorist and ideologist, as opposed to implementing change in the real world application. One issue that can be seen from his ideas, is the notion that architects must "break away from existing notions" and create new human living environment" although this all appears exciting and delightful, there is however the issue of architecture becoming a "passing fad" (something learnt from week 1's reading). Architecture, can be groundbreaking in terms of its originality in design and technology, but it must also comply with the basic human need, and adapt with these needs - otherwise the user will outgrow the architecture. This is the general gist I have been receiving throughout this semester so far. The character/user is always put first, architecture responds to this character, architecture must also respond to the growth and change of the character. A tricky process to achieve in architecture.... 

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