Saturday 15 September 2012

The Hotel Experience.

A Modular flat-pack Ikea Hotel is the building typology for this project. To develop a design and functionality of this future 2030 entity, I must first analyse the current architectural perceptions of successful hotel design - the uses and design responsibilities. 

Current notions of a successful hotel room are generally associated with high-end, niche and luxury accommodation. Hotel room designs are expected to be a space better than home – an escape from reality, and a place to relax. It must create an experience. Long and short term stay also come into the equation - the longer the stay the more space and needs must be met. The Shorter the stay, the basic necessities must be met - In this respect there are 2 room types that must be accomodated. A sense of home is created through the accessories and comfortability of furnishings - this is a design quality expected by users. A home away from home. 

Sleep . clean . eat. work . REST. 

Expectations:  air-conditioning, double bed-room,  lounge,  Study/ desk, kitchenette, Dining, Bathroom/Ensuite, Superb design.

Room size is often determined by time. The longer the stay, the more activities will be undertaken within the space. The shorter the stay, less activities will be undertaken and only the basic necessities are needed - sleep, clean and relax (eating will generally be an external activity). 

Simplistic Design - Saving space in an urban context (less material and space used the more economically viable). Flexibility, Efficiency, Order and Functionality. Meeting human needs in a busy populated city. The sense of escape and comfortability is still of importance, however TIME is the dominating element to the functional elements of the space. 

NECESSITIES: clean. sleep. rest. 

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