Friday 21 September 2012

Time - 9hrs Capsule Hotel, Kyoto.

9hrs Capsule Hotel - Kyoto, Japan

TIME and its impact on FUNCTION:

The 9hrs hotel takes looks at the experience as being a system:

to clean (1 HR) + to sleep (7HRS) + to rest (1HR) = Experience (9 HRS)

Each step in the system is considered a separate architectural element and underpins the functionality and journey through the building as you go from one space to the next. It's a way of achieving the necessities to resting for a travelling individual. In this respect, it works quite well, it's a formulated step by step process to get you to your destination as soon as possible. However, the white canvas in which this interior demonstrates (labeled with signage for guiding and directing the user) gives a cold and clinical feel to the space.

This building could only be appropriate for the lone traveller, a business person or a backpacker. The system doesn't allow for social connection, and therefor they are minimising their target market.

Flexibility and adaptation is always the connecting element.

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