Thursday 6 September 2012

Week 7 - Lecture and Project Criteria

Script, Stage, and Scenes. Again, Yasu, enforced the notion of putting the users needs first. We were asked us to think about our own daily lives, and from a personal view determine how and why it would change in our future scenario. The personal experience and journey is critical to this assessment. 

KEY elements to think about in the next couple of weeks.
  • Construct events in its form.
  • Needs and desires of future citizens
  • Meaningful Access within architectural entity to other spaces
  • Functional studies
  • Constructability -  a sustainable entity?
  • Presence and Identity - what does it provide. what is it known for?
  • How do users experience the architecture?
  • How do users identify with the architecture?
  • Private/ Personal scale consideration. 

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