Monday 1 October 2012

Technology - Yotel, New York.

Thinking about the future direction of hotel design, I first questioned - what already exists? And how can future design develop from it? Design is always organic in it's process, architecture is always learning from it's past, and to consider the future i must consider the now. How will design grow from what is now currently trending?

After looking at this new Hotel design in New York, I have begun to question the future of technology in the functionality of hotels?

Yotel is a Technology focused hotel that used robots for carrying of peoples luggage (Yobot as it is called), and computers for room check-inns - essentially eliminating some aspects of the person-to-person communication one would expect when experiencing a hotel. I guess it's quite a unique approach to a hotels function - and comes across quite futuristic. Each "cabin" (as they are referred to) is flexible and designed for space saving - with the implementation of a tech-savvy convertible bed.  The choice in materials however (ie. sliding glass partitions) contribute in making some of the rooms appear larger than what they are.

Interesting video I found that explains some aspects of the hotel>>

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