Saturday 13 October 2012


Looking at Voronoi froms - suggestion made by my tutor Ruwan. After showing my site analysis and exploration of a form to "fill" the laneway space  during the tutorial (previous post). My aim is to enhance the laneway vibe - perhaps a space for connection and gathering? Ruwan suggested I not worry too much about form but think about the positive and negative space, explore parasitic entities that encapsulate the space. I need to discover my reason for form. In a way I find Voronoi forms quite organic in its approach - not something I could imagine IKEA going into... I feel IKEA has a more systematic (and perhaps replicative?) approach to design. 

CONCEPT: an architecture that envelopes the negative space in cities. "Flatpack" that grows? Stacking, magnetic? 

I enjoy this image above. In a sense we can look at the laneway as an entity that can be chipped away by a series of geometric forms (frameworks) -- and thus creating open spaces, circulation spaces, gathering spaces etc...

Transparency - a sense of connection to the site?

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