Tuesday 16 October 2012

Inspiration to guide me in direction.

Some images that gave inspiration to me lately. I've been struggling with how to approach this polyhedra stacking design concept. Essentially this idea gives many possibilities for spatial connections, and adaptive spaces. However, my initial concept was to have a series of irregular shapes that can stack onto one another creating a weird and parasitic form (like the image below). However, I think I need to approach this from the individual pod shape. Irregular shapes can create difficulties with circulation, whereas a series of consistent forms have the potential to be adaptive and "plug in" to one another more easily. There are two ways of looking at this (and I think this has been my problem). There is the overall form, and there is the individual pod. I need to focus on detail and intricacies of the pod to create the form. 

The overall form:

The individual Pod:

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